UFP Hair Restoration

  5.0 – 5 reviews   • Hair transplantation clinic

Hair loss can be difficult for both men and women and can greatly impact one’s self-esteem. Hair restoration is not about vanity but rather the desire to restore one’s previous appearance of fuller, thicker hair. We understand and respect this perspective and continuously strive to support our patients throughout the entire hair restoration process from start to finish. By using this approach, we not only help men and women achieve the physical changes they desire, but do so in a manner that makes them feel comfortable with their choices. The popularity of restorative treatments means that you have many options when choosing a hair restoration specialist. We invite you to learn what sets Utah Facial Plastics apart from other practices.

UFP Hair Restoration 84041


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Tuesday8 AM–5 PM
Wednesday8 AM–5 PM
Thursday8 AM–5 PM
Friday8 AM–5 PM


Hair Transplantation Clinic
Adult Men
Baldness Diagnosed
Baldness Treatment
Beard Transplant
Blood Test
Complimentary Consultation
Esthetic Treatments
Eyebrow Restoration
IntroductionThe eyebrows are an important part of facial symmetry and greatly contribute to the aesthetic appearance of men and women. Eyebrows frame the eyes, typically the first facial feature others notice. It’s no wonder over-plucking or waxing can leave many feeling self-conscious about their facial appearance, despite their best efforts to draw or tattoo eyebrows on. The results of such techniques are typically unnatural and/0r short-lasting.Dr. Thompson offers eyebrow restoration in Utah with both the FUE (NeoGraft) and FUT (strip-method) techniques. The results are permanent and natural with both options. The difference is in how the follicles are extracted. To learn more, visit our hair restoration page HERE.The Utah Facial Plastics DifferenceFull, natural-looking eyebrowsMinimal downtimePermanent results in one quick sessionWhat Causes Eyebrow Hair Loss?Eyebrow transplant surgery can fill in patchy or partial eyebrows or restore them completely following eyebrow hair loss from one or more of the following conditions:Scars or burnsLow thyroid levels, anemia, other diseasesGenetic predisposition to alopeciaExcessive plucking, waxing, or electrolysisRadiation therapyHow Is An Eyebrow Transplant Performed?Dr. Thompson will first discuss your goals with you and assess your current level of eyebrow hair loss during a free consultation in Layton or Draper, Utah. Photos can also be submitted through our Virtual Consultation page for an online quote.With the NeoGraft system, hair grafts or follicles are suctioned from the nape of the neck where the greatest number of single-hair follicles are located. Hair follicles around the head typically come with 1-4 strands of hair each and the single-hair follicles in that area around the nape of the neck are most similar in diameter to natural eyebrow hair.With the strip-method (FUT), and a small section of the scalp is excised from the back of the head to obtain the grafts from. Dr. Thompson closes the incision, which most patients are instantly able to cover with longer hair. Generally, 150-250 grafts are needed for each brow but it does vary with each patient.The key to a successful eyebrow transplant is the proper angulation of the hair follicle during the transplantation process. Dr. Thompson positions the follicles to the upper part of the central edge of the eyebrow if pointed upward while the lateral part of the brow points down toward the ear. The hair will be pointed slightly downward in the upper part of the brow with the lower portion pointing upward, similar to the pattern of a feather.What Should I Expect With Recovery?The brow area will be somewhat tender for 3-7 days but most patients immediately resume back to normal activity levels and return to work the following day. Bruising can occur but typically resolves within one week.In the weeks immediately following transplantation the new hairs will shed, which is completely normal. The follicles will then generate new hair and within a few months you will see the new growth. Since the new follicles grow at the same speed as the rest of your hair, growth is quick once it begins it may require trimming to keep in shape with the rest of the brow.With your Utah Facial Plastics eyebrow restoration, your eyebrows will look more dense and full and will be completely permanent. Once filled out, you are free to resume waxing, plucking, and/or dying your eyebrows as usual.
Eyebrow Transplant
Eyelid Surgery
Facelift Surgery
Facial And Skin Care
Facial Cosmetic
Facial Feature
Facial Plastic Surgeon
Facial Plastic Surgery
Female Pattern Hair Loss
IntroductionDr. Thompson understands that hair loss doesn’t affect just men and sees many women for hair restoration in Utah as well. There are many effective solutions for women facing hair loss that double board-certified facial plastic surgeon Dr. Thompson offers through an individualized treatment plan.What Is Female Pattern Hair Loss?While more common in men, females often experience the devastating effects of hair loss as well. Both female pattern hair loss and male pattern baldness are medically referred to as androgenic alopecia. While considered the same condition, the pattern in which hair loss is experienced is very different between the two genders.Men with androgenic alopecia tend to lose hair starting at the temples, vertex, and/or crown of the head. With women, the hair loss pattern spreads across the top of the scalp. The back of the head is least affected. There are varying levels of severity according to the Ludwig Classification. Even in advanced stages of hair loss, the affected area typically does not become completely bald and the hairline remains intact.Most women with female pattern hair loss notice an increase in hair shedding before they become aware of hair loss over the crown. Others may not notice their hair shedding but feel they’ve lost hair volume and body. The shedding and thinning process typically come in a series of episodes that occur progressively closer together, until some women find they are shedding all year round.The average person sheds 50-100 hairs a day, which usually doesn’t cause thinning because new hair is growing in at the same time. With female pattern baldness, the follicles produce shorter, thinner miniaturized hair strands that continue to thin and decrease in size with the process of miniaturization. In men, follicles eventually go dormant while they remain miniaturized in women.Other Causes Of Hair Loss In WomenThough Androgenic Alopecia (Female Pattern Hair Loss) is the most common reason for permanent hair loss for women, there are many others. And women are typically more affected by non-AGA causes of balding than men, with the main cause being genetics or male pattern baldness.Other common reasons for female hair loss include:Thyroid ConditionsPregnancyMedicationStressMenopauseExtreme Weight LossIt’s important to discuss your medical history with dual board-certified facial plastic surgeon, Dr. Scott Thompson, at a complimentary consultation in Utah or online. Dr. Thompson will complete a thorough health assessment and discuss non-surgical options for hair loss and/or possibly hair transplant surgery to help you achieve your goals. Dr. Thompson offers the most advanced options available for hair restoration today and will provide you with the best results possible.Contact Us Today!Interested in getting treatment for female hair loss in Salt Lake City, Draper, Layton, Utah and the surrounding areas? Contact Utah Facial Plastics for more information or to schedule an appointment call (801) 776-2220 or fill out our contact form here.
First Facial
Free Consultation
Fue Hair Transplant
Full Head
Guys Hair Transplant
Hair Follicle
Hair Grafts
Hair Grew
Hair Growth
Hair Injection Therapy
Hair Loss Concerns
Hair Loss Medications
Hair Pulled
Hair Replacement Surgery
Hair Restoration
Fact: Two-thirds of American men age 35 and younger experience male pattern baldness. Hair loss is an extremely personal and emotional loss for many men (and women) some of whom start losing it before they even hit their twenties. Unfortunately, we don’t get to opt in or out of the Male Pattern Baldness gene, but thankfully, these days, we do get to choose how we handle it. Today there are more options than ever before available to those wanting to replace those lost hair follicles.Many patients looking for hair restoration in Utah come to see Dr. Thompson of Utah Facial Plastics to discuss hair replacement surgery. Hair loss typically results from a combination of normal aging, changes in hormones, and/or a family history of baldness. Baldness is not caused by poor circulation to the scalp, vitamin deficiencies, dandruff, or excessive hat wearing, despite some of the myths you may read or hear. Other myths that are not true are that hair loss can be determined by looking at your maternal grandfather or that if you have a full head of hair by age 40, you’ll never lose it. It is true that the earlier the hair loss begins, the more severe the baldness will become.As a fellowship trained hair restoration specialist in Utah, Dr. Thompson is known for incredibly natural results. Patients appreciate that others notice improvement but cannot tell they’ve had a hair restoration procedure because the hair grafts have been placed to the thinning area in a way that is completely natural. Following hair transplant surgery, patients report greater confidence and self-assurance and are astounded at how simple and painless the process is.Dr. Thompson’s background in fine arts enhances his ability to balance the technical and creative aspects of his specialty and assists him in his goal of achieving natural surgical results that enhance each individual’s unique features.Patients also appreciate his genuine concern for their well-being and satisfaction. He is committed to ethical, caring, and honest treatment of his patients and works very hard to earn and maintain their trust. Although patient care is his primary focus, Dr. Thompson’s academic, research, and teaching abilities have been recognized throughout his career with numerous awards as well as several scholarly publications. He recently won Vitals Patient’s Choice Award in 2013 for the numerous positive online reviews from his patients and was also recognized as one of America’s Most Compassionate Doctors. Only physicians with near perfect overall and bedside manner scores from online reviews are selected for the Compassionate Doctor recognition. Of the nation’s 870,000 active physicians, only 3% were awarded this honor for 2013.
Hair Restoration Before & After
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Hair Restoration Specialists
Hair Restoration Surgery
Hair Science
Hair Shedding
Hair Specialized
Hair Technician
Hair Therapy Treatments
Hair Thinning
Hair Transplant Medications
Hair Transplant Options
Hair Transplant Procedure
Hair Transplant Surgery
Hair Transplant System
Hair Transplant Techniques
Hormone Changes
Individual Consultation
Injectable Treatments
Longer Hair
Lost Hair
Male Pattern Baldness
IntroductionDr. Thompson sees many patients concerned with male pattern baldness, which is the most common type of hair loss that occurs. This condition causes minimaturization of the follicles and is due to underlying susceptibility of hair follicles to circulating androgenic hormones. The official term for male pattern baldness is androgenetic alopecia, and the condition affects up to 70 percent of men and 40 percent of women at some point in their lives. For men, hairline recession typically presents at the temples and vertex while women notice thinning at the top of their scalps. In contrast to men, women rarely experience total hair loss.Frequently Asked QuestionsWhat Causes Male Pattern Baldness?Male pattern baldness is both genetic and associated with the male sex hormones called androgens, with dihydrotestosterone (DHT) as the major contributor. DHT affects the hair follicles in susceptible individuals by causing them to shrink and eventually stop producing hair as the follicle becomes dormant.Common myths about the causes of hair loss include wearing hats, hair products, playing with one’s hair, viral infections, and excess time in the sun. None of these factors have been shown to have any influence on hair loss. Likewise, neither emotional stress nor trauma have been shown to cause male pattern baldness, but it is thought that these factors can accelerate baldness in genetically susceptible individuals.While male pattern baldness is influenced more strongly by the mother’s genetics, many other genetic factors, including the tendency for baldness on the father’s side are influential in the development of this condition.How Is Male Pattern Baldness Diagnosed?Male pattern baldness is diagnosed by evaluating the pattern of hair loss. Dr. Thompson will perform a thorough exam and go over your health history with you to rule out any serious medical disorders that could be causing hair loss. Medical conditions are suspected if other symptoms, such as pain, redness, or a rash are involved. If there is any suspicion, a skin biopsy and/or blood test will be ordered to diagnose any conditions that may be responsible for the problem.When Does Male Pattern Baldness Begin?Male pattern baldness can begin as early as the teen years but most commonly occurs in adult men and women as they increase in age. The pattern of hair loss typically begins at the temples or the crown of the head. While some men will get a single bald spot others will recede to form an “M” shape.What Are The Psychological Effects Of Balding?While clinical psychological effects are uncommon, many men and women who are affected by baldness from any cause find that it can affect many areas of their lives including self-confidence, interpersonal relationships, social and professional endeavors. Fortunately, with advancements in the field of hair restoration, Dr. Thompson and his team are able to restore thick, full and natural hair.Contact Us Today!Interested in getting treatment for male pattern baldness in Salt Lake City, Draper, Layton, Utah and the surrounding areas? Contact Utah Facial Plastics for more information or to schedule an appointment call (801) 776-2220 or fill out our contact form here.
Master Esthetician
Men Older
Multiple Hair
NeoGraft Automated FUE
IntroductionFollicular Unit Extraction (FUE) is a method of extracting, or harvesting, individual follicular units directly from the donor area, without the need for a linear incision. Dr. Thompson, as a fellowship trained hair restoration expert in Utah, is an expert at this and other hair restoration techniques.FUE is not a completely different procedure from the strip method, follicular unit transplant, but a sub-type of FUT. In either situation, follicular units are extracted and transplanted to areas of baldness or thinning. The real difference between FUE and FUT is the way the follicular grafts are obtained. FUT follicular units are obtained prior to dissection from a dense strip of hair while FUE follicular units are extracted one by one.When performed manually, FUE can be very time-consuming and tedious. It can also be very difficult to produce quality grafts when plucking follicular units one at a time as the root can easily be damaged, thus decreasing the survival rate of donor grafts. Because of these reasons, many physicians continue to rely on the “strip-method” or FUT to produce quality results.Dr. Thompson was one of few in the state of Utah to offer a new revolutionary technology called NeoGraft, the first minimally invasive automated hair transplant system. With NeoGraft, Dr. Thompson is able to provide amazing results without the need for a linear scar on the back of the scalp.What Is NeoGraft?NeoGraft is the only FDA cleared follicular unit harvesting and implantation system. The NeoGraft system delivers automation of the FUE technique, the most advanced technology in the hair transplant industry. It is unique from other FUE methods as it uses a vacuum-like suction to extract and implant follicles, which is much quicker and more efficient. Because the grafts are suctioned and not “cut” or “plucked” out, the quality of grafts are much greater with a 98% survival rate on average. The grafts can be re-implanted sooner which keeps them more robust, increasing the success of the grafting process. Furthermore, there is less damage to the bulbs as NeoGraft requires no manual handling.This hair restoration technique restores full, thick hair with less downtime than the strip method, no linear scar, and a shorter recovery period to achieve a discrete solution to hair loss. It’s no wonder NeoGraft currently has a 100% approval rating on RealSelf.com.
New Growth
Non-Surgical Hair Loss Treatments
IntroductionThere are many non-surgical hair loss treatments advertised today, and those concerned with any level of hair loss have likely tried at least one of them. When it comes to at-home treatments and procedures, it’s important to understand how each of them works to determine, with the help of our specialists, which treatment, or combination of treatments, is right for you.MedicationsMedications for hair loss can slow the process of thinning and increase coverage of the scalp by mainly by enlarging existing hair to increase volume and hair quality. Medications can be taken with or without hair transplant surgery and other hair loss treatment options depending on the needs and goals of the patient. Dr. Thompson recommends the use of medication for most patients receiving hair transplant surgery to maximize results and prevent further hair loss following surgery.The two most commonly used and effective medications include Propecia (finasteride) and Rogaine (minoxidil). Propecia is significantly more effective than Rogaine in treating hair loss, but greater results can be expected when both products are used together. Studies show when these two medications are used together, over 90% of patients show significant reduction in the rate of hair loss.PropeciaPropecia (finasteride) is an FDA-approved prescription medication used to treat hair loss (and prostate enlargement). It prevents hair loss by blocking the production of a male hormone in the scalp called androgen dihydrotestosterone (DHT). DHT causes hair follicles to miniaturize (shrink) in individuals susceptible to male pattern baldness resulting in hair thinning and loss.Propecia works effectively for 90 percent of men who suffer from male pattern baldness. Propecia allows the hair follicles to enlarge and return to their healthy size which in turn allows thicker, stronger hair to grow into the scalp. DHT levels are reduced quickly after starting treatment, but it typically takes approximately three months for the follicles to recover and begin new growth. Propecia is a long-term commitment meaning that in order to maintain results the medication must be taken regularly. Discontinuing the medication will typically result in further hair loss within 3-8 months.Side effects such as decreased libido and erectile dysfunction have been reported but are uncommon. Clinical trials of men 18-41 indicate that side effects were less than 2% and slightly higher in men older than 41 who often have other conditions such as hypertension, diabetes, and peripheral vascular disease. It is important to note that the incidence of erectile dysfunction in the normal adult population is 20-30% in men under 40 and increased about 10% each year. Propecia can also alter one’s PSA level, thus affecting the PSA blood test.Propecia is not indicated for use in women because there are no studies showing definitive improvement in women taking finasteride. There is also evidence that this medication can cause damage to a developing fetus in women who are or may become pregnant.At this time, the hair restoration specialists at Utah Facial Plastics prescribe a topical form of finasteride (can be combined with minoxidil) which is as efficacious as the oral option with less chance of side effects. Learn more about 82F and 82M HERE.RogaineRogaine (minoxidil) is the other FDA-approved drug for hair loss. It helps slow the process of male or female pattern baldness and is a great solution for men and women looking maintain the hair they have. It works by strengthening and thickening existing hair follicles. It doesn’t typically cause regrowth of lost hair, but strengthens and thickens existing hair. If hair growth does occur, it is typically fine, thin regrowth.Rogaine also requires consistent use to maintain results. When stopped, hair loss can be expected shortly thereafter.Rogaine can be purchased over-the-counter and is a foam used topically (twice per day) to treat areas where male or female pattern baldness occurs. It comes in two different strengths; regular and extra strength. Extra strength is intended for male pattern baldness only, while the regular strength is recommended for women.Rogaine is safe, effective, and has been used for a number of years. Side-effects are uncommon but may include itchiness and/or chest pain.
Permanent Hair
Platelet Rich Plasma Prp
Prp Hair Therapy
Radiation Therapy
Reconstructive Surgery
Restorative Treatments
Scar Camouflage
Shaved Head
Solution For Men
Specialized Facial
Strip Method
Strip-Method Hair Transplant (FUT)
IntroductionFollicular Unit Transplant surgery (FUT or strip method) is a time-tested technique for permanent hair restoration in SLC, Utah. Dr. Thompson, a double board-certified facial plastic surgeon, uses your own hair to restore thick, healthy hair to balding areas and can recreate your natural hairlines with the most natural results.FUT involves taking the transplantation of tiny follicular units of hair that are extracted from areas of strong hair growth that are more resistant to balding – typically the back and sides of the scalp – which are then implanted to thinning or bald areas of the head. Dr. Thompson’s extensive experience with hair restoration techniques, medical expertise, and attention to detail produce incredibly natural results for patients concerned with hair loss.In comparison to older, traditional methods, Dr. Thompson is able to achieve successful outcomes by dissecting the harvested hair into very small sections, called follicular units, and artistically placing them in tiny grafts that are virtually undetectable. These results are in complete contrast to those of hair “plugs” from hair transplant surgery years ago.Frequently Asked QuestionsHow Is FUT Performed?Follicular Unit Transplantation is done in our surgical room at Thompson Facial Plastics under local anesthesia. Patients are awake but are given medication to help them relax and feel comfortable during the procedure. First, Dr. Thompson cleans off the scalp. Then he injects an anesthetic to the place where the strip of scalp is going to be removed. The strip of scalp is taken and set aside, and then the scalp is closed in a way that will result in minimum scarring.Next, the follicular units are carefully dissected under a microscope so they are not broken or damaged. It is critical for maximum hair growth that the whole follicular unit is kept intact during this process. After the grafts are prepared, Dr. Thompson cleans and numbs the area of placement, creates tiny holes (recipient sites) with a scalpel, and delicately places each graft into each recipient site.Dr. Thompson arranges and positions these follicular unit grafts in an aesthetically pleasing, natural fashion. The pattern and protocol for which this is done is determined on a case-by-case basis, depending on the patients’ history of hair loss and the likelihood of future hair loss. The follicular unit transplants mimic the way the hair grows naturally, so when transplanted by an experienced professional, the result is completely natural and the transplanted area is indistinguishable from one’s original hair.What Is A Follicular Unit?For years it was thought that each hair grew as an individual strand but we know today that scalp hair actually grows in tiny groups of 1-4 hairs each. These grouping of hair are called “follicular units” and by using these units for hair restoration in Utah, the result is much more natural looking that previous methods of hair transplantation.What Are The Advantages & Disadvantages Of FUT?Advantages:Completely natural resultsShorter procedure time compared to certain methods of FUEHealthy tissue to maximize follicular unit growthTypically less expensive than FUEDisadvantages:Horizontal scar at donor area (typically can be covered by hair)Requires more healing time for donor siteNot suitable for patients with “tight” scalps or those at risk of significant scarringNot suitable for patients who prefer very short hairWhat Is The Cost For Hair Restoration With The FUT Method?Because every patient has a different set of goals and needs varying amounts of grafts for fullness, Utah Facial Plastics does not provide set costs for surgery with an evaluation. A full detailed quote is given during a complimentary consultation with Dr. Thompson or through our Virtual Consultation page. Simply upload your photos with requested information and one of our staff members will be in contact with you within 24-48 business hours.What Should I Expect With FUT Recovery?Following follicular unit transplantation, patients typically resume normal activities the next day with minimal restrictions. The donor area where the strip was removed will require about one week of care.It is not uncommon for the hair to fall out with the new hair growth beginning around 4-5 months following surgery. You can expect fully mature hair growth in approximately one year from your procedure date, though it does vary with each patient.Transplantation?The follicular unit transplantation method has been the standard in hair restoration since the early 1990’s. It continues to be a popular method for hair restoration throughout the world. In recent years, Follicular unit extraction (FUE) has become increasingly popular due to advancements in technology, such as Neograft.
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The Ear
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Address: 2255 N 1700 W Suite 205, Layton, UT 84041

Phone: (385) 344-4247

Website: https://utahhairmd.com/

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Erica Warner
I do the VI chemical peel with Sarah at Utah Facial Plastics and I love it. The staff there is amazing and very friendly. The Chemical Peel has made the world of difference and I highly recommend it!
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Christine Hogan
I was very leery of the procedure. Dr T & his staff where extremely patient with me and took very good care of me. They made me feel calm. I’m still pretty new to my new hair, 5 months…but its growing! Yay!!
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Sydnee Zisumbo
Amazing staff and doctors who are very professional and caring. I appreciate their honest opinions on things and that there are risks to everything as well as not every treatment fits every patient. They do a thorough job of explaining things, give excellent care, and if any concerns arise they are there to handle them with care and attention. I highly recommend them.
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Nicea Degering
The experience is 5 star. The results are 10 star!I can’t believe the difference in just one year. If you are on the fence about giving this a try, take the leap – the subtle, natural change will have everyone asking why do you look so darn good lately?!
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